Building Good Work Relationships

It’s obvious that in order to be considered a professional by a manager, clients and peers, you need to work hard and be good at what you do. However, it is important to project a good profile (professional and personal image).


Human beings are naturally social creatures – we need social interaction, just as we need food and water. So it makes sense that the better our relationships are at work, the happier and more productive we're going to be. According to the Gallup Organization, people who have a best friend at work are seven times more likely to be engaged in their jobs.


Building and maintain good working relationships will not only make you more engaged and committed to your organization; it can also open doors to key projects, career advancement, and raises.

Start by identifying the key stakeholders in your organization. These people, as well as your clients and customers, deserve extra time and attention.

Then, devote a portion of your day to laying the foundation of good relationships. Even five minutes a day, if it's genuine, can help to build a bond between you and a colleague. Be honest, avoid gossip, and try to compliment people on a job well done. Keep your personal life and personal opinions to yourself. Talk positively and respond constructively. Make your work speak and take credit when necessary. Be respectful.

These are the factors that I focus on as part of my professional image, and I try to keep each one consistent with the others.

What elements would you add to this list that help you present yourself as a professional?



Answer the questions based on the reading.


1. What is the intention of the reading?


To talk about what people should do at their work. 

To provide some tips about how to manage the professional image. 



2. What does "Human beings are naturally social creatures" mean? 


It means that the interaction with others is needed in our everyday lives. 

It means that people need to go to social events like parties. 



3. What does "stakeholders" mean in the text?


A person, group or organization that has interest or concern in an organization.

A person who must deliver the stakes to the winner.



4. According to the text, why is it a good idea to have a best friend at work?


Because people can help each other.

Because people may feel more committed to their jobs. 



5. Why is it good to have good work relationships?


Because it helps to have more friends in your social networks. 

Because it helps to achieve your goals such as key projects, raises, etc.



6. Why is it important to keep your personal life and personal opinions to yourself?


Because you should not involve your personal life with your professional life.

Because people may not care about it. 



7. What does "make your work speak and take credit when necessary" mean?


People should only care about him/herself and not about others. 

People´s work should be shown with actions. 


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