Gold Advanced Class- Track 33 Unit 9 Vocabulary activity 4.mp4
1. A child go through different _________ while growing.
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Correct Option
2. It takes a baby weeks to recognize a smile.
3. Babies are not actually able to recognize ____________
Important people around him/her
4. At _________ the baby will recognize her/his name and respond to it.
10 months
8 months
9 months
5. According to the audio, when the baby start laughing means:
She/He is happy
She/ He starts developing a sense of humor
6. At the age of 2, the baby will...
Try to dress up by him/herself
Make tantrums
7. According to the audio, parents should...
Don´t let kids do what they want
Allow children do whatever they want
Don´t crush the child´s enthusiasm
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