Rellenar huecos Instructions: Complete the time expressions with in at or on. Instrucciones: Complete las expresiones de tiempo con in at o on. 1. I go to church Rellenar huecos (1): JXUwMDM3JXUwMDAx Sunday morning. 2. My wedding is Rellenar huecos (2): JXUwMDMxJXUwMDA3 the Winter. 3. My great grandfather lived Rellenar huecos (3): JXUwMDMxJXUwMDA3 the 20th 4. My birthday is Rellenar huecos (4): JXUwMDM3JXUwMDAx June 10th. 5. We have English class at 8:00 am. 6. This year we celebrate Eastern Rellenar huecos (5): JXUwMDMxJXUwMDA3 7. Jennifer was born Rellenar huecos (6): JXUwMDMxJXUwMDA3 2001. 8. My sister doesn’t go to school Rellenar huecos (7): JXUwMDM3JXUwMDAx the weekend. 9. Elena teaches yoga every day Rellenar huecos (8): JXUwMDMxJXUwMDA3 the afternoon. 10. Marco’s little brother was born Rellenar huecos (9): JXUwMDM3JXUwMDAx New Year’s Eve. Habilitar JavaScript